A group of friends with the intent to gather and meet together on a football field founded the A.S.D. Valle Della Luna in 2012.

Perhaps friendship was the factor that brought this football team to graduate both provincial and regional champion, and finally Southern Italy champion, until the participation in the National Finals since the first year.
Even in the second year, despite many setbacks, the team has managed to qualify at the 3rd place in the championship.

The whole context is managed by the collective, which also works to arrange when it is needful our loved Municipal Court, located in the small business area of the village at about 1 kilometre away from the town.
Finally, this year the team with its president Gian Carlo Concas and the Mister Marco Sanna, will enrol at the new 2014/15 championship with the intent to do well, but mostly to have fun and to involve the population of the village as much as possible.

Info and contacts
Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Valle della Luna
Via Santa Degna,18 – 07020 Aggius (OT)
Tel.: +39 349 3950707 e-mail: sannamacchine@hotmail.it
Facebook page: A S D Valle della Luna – I Gladiatori


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